Sunday, December 5, 2010


The Monument CD is available NOW! Tiny Engines will be releasing it on vinyl! Preorders soon. Click the link below for all the awesome info!

Friday, November 26, 2010

say wha?

so its like, DONE

get it

Sunday, July 25, 2010

The waiting....

We mailed off the final dvd's of the extra tracks we did here in DC to joe and now we're just waiting on joe to start mixing. Not sure how long/the estimated time but hopefully within a couple weeks we can get something.

We've also contacted matt leech to do the artwork for the album! matt's worked with anton before on some for the agenda releases and we all have high hopes that the art will turn out great.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


so we finished all the major tracking in philly for the remainding of the songs we were going to do. gabe, brandon, and myself played a show with boys and sex and boyfriends in frederick md and afterwards followed them up to philly. we all showed up around 5am completely exhausted, but we wanted to come up so we could sleep and relax in the morning for recording. however, sleeping on a gym mat is less comfortable though than one would expect.

anyways, dan showed up the next morning and we all helped make a nice warehouse communal breakfast. cat, greg, and jeremy seemed like the major cooks, but everyone helped out. i think kyle helped make the eggs. in general the whole breakfast turned out wonderful.

here is everyone making breakfast

and here is how it turned out ...

here are some pictures of us recording. nothing super memorable except for locking brandon and dan out while they went to get us burritos and playing with joe's rhodes pianer which was real fun.

dan and gabe sittin around bein stupid

brandon listening to a take

brandon doin a take (the hat is to keep the headphones on his head, and to look cool)

joe fiddling with amp sounds for gabe

dan bein a wuss

our white board of things to do while in philly. we managed to cross most off the list, draw a few dicks, and make fun of dear friends at the same time.

unfortunately we had to re-track all the bass tracks since there was metronome bleed on them the first go around. dan and i finished that a week and a half ago. since then we've been doing the very last remaining tracking here at home in our own studio.

(yes we do have a vdrums, cause we all live in apartaments!)

all that's left is a few vocal harmonies to add and a pick scrape and we're ready to send joe the tracks we added here for mixing.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

here it starts

while brandon and joe sound check the drums, its time for gabe dan and myself to watch king of the hill for hours

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Recording, part DEUX

so yeah that album...GETTING FINISHED THIS WEEKEND! hopefully. we're going up to philly to record two more jams with joe. everything so far sounds great. check back for more updates soon.